Tuesday, August 06, 2013

All Change.

Yes, I know I missed the 'annual deadline' for keeping this kind-of up to date, but, well, I've been dead busy.

Busy doing all kinds of stuff, but unusually for me, all of it legal, ethical and moral.

So, what news, Wardo?


I've got another couple of Bang & Olufsen hi-fi's to add to the collection.

I kind of splashed out and bought a Beocenter 5000, then bought the remote for it from someone else.

Now, the 5000 with the Wharfedale speakers is truly frightening!


Er...  Then, I went and got myself a Beosound Century for the bedroom.  This is a wall-mounting unit with speakers either side of a radio, CD and tape player.

Anyway, I'm fully 'B&O'ed Up' now.  No more.  I promise.

Other news?


Big News is that I plan to go formally, 'properly' self-employed next January.

There'll be more news and views in the coming weeks and months.

Kepp this frequency clear!

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